The Top 5 Best-Selling Cards of Universes Beyond: Fallout

Total atomic annihilation is at hand, and we are counting down the days for the official release of Universes Beyond: Fallout! With players excited to explore and collect the exclusive post-nuclear cards included in this set, we’ve prepared the most up-to-date, Vault-Tec certified data on the best-selling cards now available for sale on TCGplayer.

Let’s dive in on the details of what makes these standout cards S.P.E.C.I.A.L. on TCGplayer. Without further ado, here are the current top five best-selling cards from Universes Beyond: Fallout:

  1. Nuka-Cola Vending Machine
  2. Dogmeat, Ever Loyal (Display Commander) - Thick Stock
  3. Heroic Intervention
  4. Radstorm
  5. Feral Ghoul


Card Name: Nuka-Cola Vending Machine
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Number: 137
Artwork By: Anthony Devine
Current Market Price: $ 21.15 Normal, $ --  Foil*
* At the time of publication, there is no current market price for foil printings of this card
Details: A highly anticipated card with a unique post-atomic twist! Nuka-Cola Vending Machine takes the currency value of the Nuka-Cola bottle caps from the Fallout games and incorporates it into Magic by transforming generated Food Tokens into Treasure tokens, ideal for powerful Treasure-themed Commander decks.



Card Name: Dogmeat, Ever Loyal (Display Commander) - Thick Stock
Rarity: Mythic Rare
Card Number: 1065
Artwork By: Kieran Yanner
Current Market Price: $ 2.06 Foil (Exclusive)
Details: The face commander of the Scrappy Survivors Commander deck, Dogmeat, Ever Loyal generates Junk tokens from having creatures who are equipped or enchanted with auras attack during a turn, which in turn allows for rapid draw and play. The thick stock version of this Commander was also one of the first featured previews for this release.



Card Name: Heroic Intervention
Rarity: Rare
Card Number: 202
Artwork By: Josh Hass
Current Market Price: $ 9.79 Normal, $ --  Foil*
* At the time of publication, there is no current market price for foil printings of this card
Details: A popular staple of white-green Commander decks, Heroic Intervention has received a post-nuclear inspired look with artwork featuring Nick Valentine from Fallout 4. Part of its appeal is its cheap mana cost, which allows the player to protect their creatures from spells and destruction for the turn.



Card Name: Radstorm
Rarity: Rare
Card Number: 37
Artwork By: Salvatorre Zee Yazzie
Current Market Price: $ 31.96 Normal, $ --  Foil*
* At the time of publication, there is no current market price for foil printings of this card
Details: Another exclusive Fallout-themed card, Radstorm can potentially multiply not just spells cast that turn, but also any negative token counters placed on opponents, making it a popular choice for Poison-themed deckbuilding.


Card Name: Feral Ghoul
Rarity: Rare
Card Number: 44
Artwork By: Sergio Cosmai
Current Market Price: $ 8.98 Normal, $ --  Foil*
* At the time of publication, there is no current market price for foil printings of this card
Details: A Mutant Zombie creature straight from the rad-infested wastelands, Feral Ghoul acts as a ticking time bomb that collects +1/+1 counters and then deals out rad counters equal to its power when it dies. As a card, it works well with other token-based damage-dealing bestsellers on this list, such as Radstorm.

All cards from Universes Beyond: Fallout are now available to list on the TCGplayer Marketplace before the set releases on March 8, 2024. 


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For more information on what to expect regarding Universes Beyond: Fallout, check out Navigating Universes Beyond: Fallout and its Variants.

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