Pro Labs puts you in control of your seller experience on TCGplayer by letting you test out new features and provide feedback to better shape seller tools for your business. Now, we’re excited to announce three upcoming features that will soon be available to test!


MassPrice Scheduler - Beta Test Starts Next Week!

Our recent MassPrice performance updates already let you run rules faster than ever, but the MassPrice scheduler takes this efficiency to a new level. With this tool, you can schedule rules to run as frequently as you want—automatically. Sign up to test the MassPrice scheduler and see how it works for your store. You’ll have the chance to let us know what you like, what you would change and what you’d like to see next from this tool and other MassPrice features.


Customer Recommendations Through Your Kiosk

Current kiosk functionality for TCGplayer Showcase works best for users who come into your store already knowing what they want. New functionality gives your customers the ability to search your inventory and see what you have available even if they don’t have a particular card in mind. Try it out and let us know how the new functionality works in your store, what could be improved and if there are any additional features that would enhance your Showcase experience.


Order Details Export Report

How does the current order details export report work for you? What aspects of it do you like, and what would make it better? We’d like to hear your feedback and incorporate your ideas as we design a new report. Sign up to let us know your thoughts, and be sure to let us know if there are any other types of reports you’d like to access on TCGplayer.

We’ll use your feedback to make these tools work better for your store, so give Pro Labs a try and let us know how we can improve your TCGplayer experience!


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