Top Selling Pokémon Cards on TCGplayer: June 2024
By Peter Day •
The first step to serving customer demand is to understand it. So to help you follow what’s currently popular with players and collectors, we’ve put together a pair of downloadable CSV reports of the top-selling Pokémon cards of the past month.
These reports show the name and set of the Pokémon cards with the highest total number of copies sold on the TCGplayer Marketplace between June 1 and June 30. The reports consider cards from different sets to be distinct (even if they have the same name), but do not distinguish copies sold by condition (Near Mint, Lightly Played, etc.) or by printing (Foil, etc.).
The two reports cover cards that had an average sale price in June within two ranges: $50.00 or more, and $1.00 to $49.99.
- Download Top Selling Report: PKMN Cards $50 or More
- Download Top Selling Report: PKMN Cards $1 to $50
Here are five highlights from each report.
Top Selling Pokémon Cards: $50.00 or More
#1 Charizard ex - 199/165
Set: Scarlet & Violet—151
Average Sale Price: $109.44
Last year, the Scarlet & Violet—151 set fired a nostalgia rocket at the wallets of aging millennials and landed a direct hit. Of course, the most collectible card in this incredibly collectible set had to be the rare full-art Charizard. With 151 continuing to outsell more recent sets, this Charizard is likely the most beloved card of the entire Scarlet & Violet Series so far.
#2 Mew ex - 232/091
Set: Paldean Fates
Average Sale Price: $85.32
This Shiny version of Mew is one of the most popular cards from Paldean Fates, thanks in large part to the cartoony artwork by USGMEN, which looks unlike any other Pokémon card you can open in packs right now.
#3 Gardevoir ex - 233/091
Set: Paldean Fates
Average Sale Price: $50.17
This Shiny Gardevoir from Paldean Fates is mostly a collector item, like Mew, but it got a bump in price and sales velocity when Gardevoir ex decks took six of the Top 8 slots at the North American International Championships in early June. There are lower-rarity versions of the same card that are much less expensive, but even hyper-competitive players enjoy having shiny cardboard when they can.
#4 Charizard ex - 234/091
Set: Paldean Fates
Average Sale Price: $110.40
This Shiny Charizard is the most expensive card in Paldean Fates. Like Gardevoir (and unlike the Charizard ex from 151) it benefits from being a key piece of a competitive Pokémon deck, in addition to an extremely pretty and rare card of a popular Pokémon.
#5 Greninja ex - 214/167
Set: Twilight Masquerade
Average Sale Price: $171.93
Twilight Masquerade is light on collectible cards, especially compared to sets like Paldean Fates and 151. As a result however, much of the set’s value has accumulated in the one card that collectors do seem to want, this Greninja ex, causing it to spike in value and making it even more popular.
Top Selling Pokémon Cards: $1.00 to $49.99
#1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
Set: Temporal Forces
Average Sale Price: $1.90
Buddy-Buddy Poffin is an automatic four-of in most competitive Pokémon decks. The popular pastry searches up whatever low-HP Pokémon you need, which is especially useful in evolution decks that need to get their Basic Pokémon into play as soon as possible to evolve them up into their powerful Stage 2 forms.
#2 Earthen Vessel
Set: Paradox Rift
Average Sale Price: $3.63
Despite being tagged as an “Ancient” card, Earthen Vessel sees play across all deck archetypes. The card can find two Energy of any type, exactly when you need them, while letting you store cards in the discard pile and emptying your hand to get more value from effects like Bibarel’s Industrious Incisors.
#3 Super Rod
Set: Paldea Evolved
Average Sale Price: $1.16
Super Rod shows up in the vast majority of competitive Pokémon decks as a backup plan in case a key Pokémon gets Knocked Out, and some toolbox decks play a full four copies to recycle whichever attackers and Energy are best positioned for a given matchup.
#4 Arven
Set: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
Average Sale Price: $1.62
Arven sees play in most competitive Pokémon decks thanks to its ability to grab any Item or Tool card. This includes the four other cards highlighted in this section, and most ACE SPEC cards like Unfair Stamp, which are hard to draw naturally since you’re only allowed to play a single copy in your whole deck.
#5 Counter Catcher
Set: Paradox Rift
Average Sale Price: $1.86
Counter Catcher is a powerful gusting card that only works in decks that reliably fall behind in the Prize trade—the most notable of which is Gardevoir.
Selling cards that have high “velocity” keeps your cash flow healthy so you can take advantage of new opportunities. Check out our reports on the top-selling cards in Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh!, and be sure to list these cards on TCGplayer to unlock value you can reinvest in your business.