TCGplayer Pro opens a new frontier of sales for your hobby game store. To help you increase your revenue both in-store and online, we developed the MassPrice app for Pro sellers. MassPrice makes it easy to set and update prices for all your products, so you can stay ahead of the market and earn more on every product you list.

We constantly update MassPrice to make it even more powerful for your store. Here are two improvements we released this morning.

Filter Your Products by Current Price

You define which products a new MassPrice rule affects, and it’s useful to write different rules for different categories. Starting today, you can use your cards’ current prices as another category for assigning your rules. Adjust the rates on inexpensive cards you always mail in envelopes, or write a rule that can distinguish high-value commons like Manamorphose so you never undersell yourself.

Check Products Instantly During Preview

We’ve added a search bar to the top of the Projected Changes page. Now when you preview a rule, you can use the search bar to check how the rule would affect a specific product, whether that’s one of your best sellers or a rare card you’re keen to price perfectly. That way you can see immediately when your rule is ready for the spotlight.

We’ve got more updates planned in the next few weeks, but we’re saving our biggest surprises for GAMA 2019. If you haven't yet, register for our Seller Gathering so you can be the first to learn about the future of Pro.

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