V Clan Collections Vol.5 and Vol.6 are part of the Special Series featuring a wide range of brand new support alongside nifty reprints for all clans that can be used in both V Premium and Premium formats. Both sets will be released simultaneously on August 19th, so don’t forget to mark your calendars!

On top of great compatibility with cards from the previous Clan Selection Plus and V Clan Collections, new “Яeverse” units are also featured here!

Here are some of our top picks!

Shadow Paladin

Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
The iconic Cross Break Ride ace unit of Ren Suzugamori from the Link Joker era is back to escalate its aggression and make its enemies tremble in fear!

Re-enact the characteristic Limit Break ability of the original version, which deals one direct damage when conditions are met! 

In addition, its on-attack ability allows you to pump up the pressure by restanding your front row and go for additional powered-up swings!




Other must-haves for your deck!

Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom and Blaster Dark
Essential cards such as Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom (from V-BT06 Phantasmal Steed Restoration) and Blaster Dark (from D-VS02 V Clan Collection Vol.2) go very well with Dragruler Phantom, where they can get power ups and restand from Dragruler Phantom’s ability!



Eradication Ancient Dragon, Spinodriver "Яeverse"
The roar of the ferocious Dinodragon sends opponents trembling in terror!

The moment Spinodriver "Яeverse" enters the field as a vanguard, you can quickly beef up their front row with powerful allies and increase hand size! 

In the late game, you also have the option to pile on the pressure by paying the cost to allow all Ancient Dragon units in their front row to get an additional critical when conditions are met!


Other must-haves for your deck!

Ancient Dragon, Babyrex and Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend

Babyrex helps to ensure that you get your desired grade 3 unit in hand, while Tyrannolegend is a key card to return Front triggers to the top of your deck from your drop!

Also, be sure to have Tyrannolegend in hand when activating the ability of Spinodriver "Яeverse" to secure the power up and additional drive!

Link Joker


Star-vader, "Omega" Glendios
Destruction approaches the center of the world with the arrival of the ultimate Omega!

With references made to its original counterpart, you get to enjoy an alternate win condition: which is to have five cards in your damage zone and your opponent has five or more locked cards! To facilitate this, lock an opposing rear-guard every turn with its fourth ability!

As long as this unit is the vanguard, the original Power of all "Я” rear-guards become 18000 instead! In addition, you have the option to throw off their opponents by preventing them from putting cards face up (such as Counter-Charge, unlock, etc.) with the legendary “Omega Lock”!



Other must-haves for your deck!

Star-vader, Magnet Hollow and Taboo Star-vader, Rubidium

This deck allows you to ‘mix and match’ cards from other clans as long as they have "Я” in their card names, and these support units are vital to get the combos up and running!

Both Magnet Hollow and Rubidium lets you obtain "Я” units to hand, which are important resources for both offense and as cost for the ability of "Omega" Glendios!
Magnet Hollow makes a good front row beater when you have many "Я” cards in the bind zone, while Rubidium lets you build a powerful "Я” frontline as long as you have "Omega" Glendios as your vanguard!

Dark Irregulars


Demon World Marquis, Amon "Яeverse"

Following the introduction of Demon World Marquis, Amon in V Clan Collection Vol.4, the darker and deadlier Amon "Яeverse" is here to amplify the terror!

Gather up plenty of cards in soul to stack on power buffs with this unit, and secure and additional critical when players have fourteen or more cards in soul!

Players can also use the opportunity to call up to two Amon cards from soul to field, making cards like Demon World Marquis, Amon very attractive options for additional powerful swings!


Other must-haves for your deck!

Amon's Follower, Atrocious Blow and Amon's Follower, Soul Sucker
Use Atrocious Blow early game to secure key Amon cards to hand! It also becomes a good booster late game as it can capitalize on the number of cards in soul for a power up!
To quickly fill up your soul with cards, Soul Sucker shall be your go-to! Even as a rear-guard, it can even power itself up, and increase soul and hand afterwards!


Seven Seas Grudgeful Specter, Ogkhiboyaj
Treasure hunters of the Seven Seas, setting sail!

Ogkhiboyaj is a versatile unit with abilities that work on both vanguard and rear-guard circles. You can easily obtain treasure markers as long as its attack hits! Treasure markers are not only vital to Nightmist’s ability, it can also be used by Ogkhiboyaj to call grade 2 or lower Seven Seas units to field from drop!

In addition, this unit can obtain a power up based on the number of Seven Seas units in your drop and bind zone!


Other must-haves for your deck!

Seven Seas Sword King, Nighthaze
Be sure to have Nighthaze as part of your crew! Not only can you search for fellow Seven Seas cards from your deck to add to hand, you can fill up your field with treasure markers too as long as its attack hits!

Great Nature

School Punisher, Leo-pald "Яeverse"
Lottery effects are back in action and better than ever!

The lottery effect of Leo-pald "Яeverse"’s ability features an additional effect for Order cards too! As long as you pay the cost for its first ability, you can enjoy the best of all worlds, since cards discarded from your deck will get all three card types!


Other must-haves for your deck!


Magic Scientist, Tester Fox and Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox
These foxes will come in very handy for your battles!
Tester Fox offers the option to return valuable trigger cards to your deck from drop (which means a better chance at a trigger during a drive check!) while giving allies a power up!
Meanwhile, Researcher Fox gets more power when cards are discarded from deck (such as from the ability of Leo-pald "Яeverse") and lets you search your deck for a card with the same name as your vanguard (which means you are less likely to run out of Leo-pald cards in hand)!

High rarity cards in this set to look out for!
3 types of Vanguard Secret Rare cards (VSR), featuring popular units in gorgeous treatment!
Featuring (from left to right): Revenger, Dragruler Phantom, Star-vader, "Omega" Glendios, and Retroactive Time Maiden, Uluru!