TCGplayer is proud to announce that we’re launching support for MetaZoo! MetaZoo is open for sellers to list both sealed and individual singles starting today.

MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation is a TCG unlike any other on the market. Here’s why:

Cryptozoology is a quickly growing field of interest. You’ve heard of Bigfoot, or the Mothman, but there are many more of these mysterious cryptids all over the world. Special attention has been paid to include local legends and folklore from as many regions of the United States as possible, from the deep forests of the Pacific Northwest, to the swamps of Florida. No matter where you are from in America, you will have a local legend in the game to relate to.

The subject matter isn’t the only thing that makes MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation unique. Why is that? The 4th wall is broken.

With most TCG’s the game is contained completely to the playmat. In MetaZoo, your entire world is the playmat. Is it raining outside? Then your water beasties will have increased power. Some cards have special effects if played in a city, and some are more effective in rural areas. Anything from climate to altitude may have an effect. This creates an immense amount of variety in MetaZoo games, inspiring a wide range of strategies for competitive players to experiment with.

Here is a sample of the amazing art created by our amazing artists. Each piece is especially curated to fit the MetaZoo art style.