TCGplayer provides a place for sellers to connect with buyers all across the world, and makes completing a sale incredibly easy. As you grow as a seller, you’ll find that each day is dedicated more and more to establishing the most efficient workflow. 

What is a workflow?
A workflow is a documented series of tasks that allow your business to maximize efficiency, repeatability, and precision. 

With these three key factors in mind, here are steps to begin designing your workflow:

  1. Identify tasks that need to be completed during the day
    Create a list that compiles all daily tasks. Make a note of any tasks that only happen on certain days (i.e. pulling Reimbursement Invoices for TCGplayer Direct).

  2. Prioritize the tasks
    Organize your list of tasks by priority and time sensitivity. For example, shipping orders might be higher on your list than uploading new inventory. When identifying which items should take precedence, a good rule of thumb is to focus first on things that have more pressing deadlines (such as shipping orders), and those with more flexible deadlines next.

  3. Assign people to the tasks and set expectations for how long the task should take
    Who is involved in the workflow? How long does each task take? Make sure to include this information for accuracy and efficiency. 

Determining the workflow order will help establish a cadence at which your business functions. For example, if your daily tasks include, in this order, responding to messages, pulling orders, packing orders, shipping orders, updating prices, and uploading new inventory, your cadence will allow you to answer the prior day’s messages all at once, compile the orders from the prior day all at once, and so on. This leads to more consistency on a day-to-day basis, as well as limiting the opportunity for errors. 

This will also allow you and your employees to successfully handle growth. Breaking down your day into manageable tasks means that an increase in sales (like a Black Friday sales spike) is easier to handle because the work is delegated, ordered by priority, and organized throughout the day. 

Each business will have a unique workflow that works best for them. The important things to remember are that your workflow should ensure the highest priority tasks (i.e. shipping orders) are always completed on time and it should maximize efficiency for both you and your employees. 

If you would like assistance in designing the best workflow for your business, schedule a meeting with a Customer Success Manager here.