With the TCGplayer Pro Retail app, you can step away from your counter and manage your in-store orders anywhere. Today’s app updates focus on making it even easier to manage orders from your Pro website and kiosk while you’re away from your desktop. 

TCGplayer App Updates

Enhancements include a streamlined interface that’s cleaner and more intuitive, along with new functionality for updating your order status. Updated icons allow you to change order status easily between Order Received, Pulling Order, Ready for Pickup and Order Picked Up.

Pro Labs Feedback

After today’s launch, we’re already looking ahead to the next steps in improving app functionality for you. We received feedback from multiple sellers in our Pro Labs program. This included easier editing access, search and order canceling functionality, a restructured sorting system to better reflect your inventory organization and an identification system to quickly alert TCGplayer of problems so we can respond to any issues immediately. 

Your input helps us provide you with the best solutions for your store, and we look forward to using your feedback as we plan our roadmap for future updates. 

Interested in joining the team? Sign up for Pro Labs to help shape the future of your seller tools!

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