The fourth cross collaboration set of Future Card Buddyfight English Edition, SSSS.GRIDMAN, is set to be released on March 27th. From the world of Tsutsujidai to the world of card games, you can now experience SSSS.GRIDMAN as it would be in the world of Buddyfight!

Give your players the choice between Gridman and Kaiju by listing SSSS.GRIDMAN for presale on the TCGplayer Marketplace.

Yuta Hibiki

Yuta Hibiki is the main protagonist of the series. On top of being able to search your deck for Gridman (Primal Fighter) or Primal Accepter, an item that prevents Gridman from destruction and ability-nullifying card abilities, Yuta is also able to help players draw cards.

Gridman (Primal Fighter)

Yuta’s friend and also main hero of the series, Gridman (Primal Fighter) serves as an introduction to the Transform mechanic for beginner players.

Gridman (Primal Fighter) allows players to draw cards whenever it attacks, helping the player to replenish their hand with ease. With Double Attack, that’s twice the number of cards!

Akake Shinjo

One of the main antagonists of the series, Akana, like Yuta is also able to search players’ decks for an Alexis or Kaiju card.

On top of that, players can return this card to hand and increase their gauge and hand cards.

Alexis Kerib

In the animation, Alexis Kerib is the antagonist who brings kaiju statues sculpted by Akane to life.

In the world of buddyfight however, Alexis Kerib is a powerful support card. Reducing all Kaiju characters’ size by 4 and counter calling one Kaiju character from hand to field—with such dangerous abilities, opponents would definitely want to get rid of this card.

However, Alexis Kerib can’t be destroyed if he’s on the left or right.