Whether you’re a Seller or a Buyer on TCGplayer, you are 100% protected. This includes a variety of situations, such as lost packages, payment issues, or any situation where your order does not arrive as expected.

Payment Protection

As a Buyer, your orders are processed through TCGplayer and your payment information is not shared with sellers. You can shop risk-free, knowing your information is safe and only used by TCGplayer for order processing.

As a Seller, you will never be contacted by TCGplayer asking you to refund an order due to fraud as we eliminate fraudulent orders before they are provided to you for shipment. When you receive an order on TCGplayer, you can ship it risk-free, knowing you will be paid in full.

Lost Packages

As a Buyer, if your package doesn’t arrive or goes missing, TCGplayer will offer you a full refund or replacement.

As a Seller, if you follow our shipment tracking rules then you are protected against lost order claims. This means that if you receive an order on TCGplayer, you can ship it risk-free.

Order Was Not as Expected

As a Buyer, if the order you receive is different or incorrect from what you ordered, our team will help you get a refund or replacement.

As a Seller, we give you the benefit of the doubt. We'll protect you against improper claims of a product not being received.

Community for All

We believe that all Buyers and Sellers are part of our community, and we choose to protect each equally. As always, we’re available to help you if you have any questions or concerns at sales@tcgplayer.com. If you need help with any order or any reason, our Protection Policy help file will guide you.