Here are our top selling cards in the month of August for Yu-Gi-Oh! Interested in selling these cards on TCGplayer? Join Direct by TCGplayer today!


1. Revolution Synchron - Duelist Nexus

Current TCG Market Price: $43.22


2. Salamangreat of Fire - Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano

Current TCG Market Price: $19.52


3. Triple Tactics Thrust - Photon Hypernova

Current TCG Market Price: $66.50


4. The Bystial Lubellion - Darkwing Blast

Current TCG Market Price: $30.93


5. Infinite Impermanence - Structure Deck: Cyber Strike

Current TCG Market Price: $7.21


6. Kurikara Divincarnate - Power of the Elements

Current TCG Market Price: $41.35


7. Chaos Angel - Cyberstorm Access

Current TCG Market Price: $54.81


8. Kashtira Fenrir - Darkwing Blast

Current TCG Market Price: $17.12


9. Dark Corridor - Duelist Nexus

Current TCG Market Price: $10.28


10. Rescue-ACE Hydrant - Amazing Defenders

Current TCG Market Price: $37.21